Saturday, June 30, 2007

Rain and Alarm Clocks

Wow, has this trip been rather "interesting". First off, coming here from Chicago was my first plane trip. I spent the last week constantly worrying about crashing, it was a mess! When we arrived in Atlanta, NOBODY here knew how to get to Pine St. After spending 2 hours and $30 in gas, we find our hotel only to be dissapointed that the hotel we're staying in was a knock off to your neighborhood Motel 6. None of my group members wanted to call and let the director know the Savannah Suites was far from sweet. That place was terrible!! Finally someone gets the nerves to call and explain to her that we're in the hotel from hell and roaches have been spotted. She tells us we should have called the day before!! So we get moved to the Holiday Inn (yayyyyyy!) and life has been grand!

Dealing with the hotel situation I missed a lot of the workshops I wanted to attend on thursday. So friday was my make-up day. I sat in on a Criminal Justice workshop and the Black Caucus Immigration workshop, I think that one should have lasted all day!!! Im leaving saturday evening so I have to make sure I get up extra early so I can get some more workshops.

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